New Sun Tribe: The gift of Dan Schreiber
The success of a culture is bound to their relationship with light, soil and love. Indeed, it can be measured by how well the culture traps light and how it uses that trapped living energy to enrich all life on earth.
There is a language connecting all energy. When we speak in this language, humans, plants, animals, water and consciousness converge as one. This was the language Dan Schreiber pursued for all of us, so that together, we could share in his ‘new relationship with the sun.’
Dan was the creator of Starseed Gardens Nursery and Teahouse, a unique environment dedicated to developing relationships between plants, people and technology. Dan contributed immensely to ethnobotanical connections and grew thousands of plants for the mutual benefit of ecology. Dan took flight on the 13th of May 2018.
This compilation of Dan’s communications begins with ‘Cicadas’, which draws on Dan’s Transmissions at Earth Frequency Festival in 2016 and 2017, contemplating on the cosmological history of cicada songs.
Both ‘The Blue Water Lily and the Fragrance of Ascent’ and ‘All of Lotus’ were drawn from Dan’s talk ‘The Lotus Eaters’ given at the Lotus Tea House in Byron Bay in March 2011. The former emphasizes the effects of the blue water lily and the presence of this flower throughout Egyptian history, while the latter asserts that without fear, the sacred lotus becomes a portal to awakened consciousness and the realization of ourselves as rainbow bodies. Another of Dan’s Earth Frequency Transmissions, ‘Sophia Awakens’, first shared in 2017, was the source for ‘Anchoring to the Light’. This passage connects the roles of shaman, artists and healers and urges us to recognize their role in redistributing light and energy through communication and compassion.
Presentations on ‘Biosynthesis and the Sacred Cow’ occurred throughout Australia from 2013. In this excerpt, Dan discusses cosmic bovine beings and their use of plant alchemy. Cows provide sustenance and connect us all through energy, even though we may not realize it.
We conclude with two of Dan’s most powerful expressions. ‘Tryptamines at the End of Time: Birthing a Spheroid Awareness’ comes from Dan’s contribution to the first Entheogenesis Australis Journal. Dan explains how language, consciousness, digital technology, earth, futures, spirits and tryptamines all converge in sunlight. Finally, ‘Our Most Precious Resource’ brings us home. This was a collaborative work, presented at various locations by both Dan and his partner Lila Lieberman from 2017. ‘Our Most Precious Resource’ draws our attention and awareness to a forgotten custodial role in nature. Together, Dan and Lila initiate us, invite us to challenge belief, and to harvest the fruit of love.
We have sought to preserve Dan’s work by making only small changes to his original content and restricting these changes to the purpose of readability and cohesion of this amalgamated article. We would like to thank Lila Lieberman and Tristan Bray for assisting in the compilation of Dan’s work and their revision of this piece.
Thank you, Dan. We still feel you in the sun.
Photo by Marcello Consolo.
One of the things I want to talk about is a true solar economy. A true solar economy is really about developing or cultivating a new relationship with the sun.
Most of us don’t know the sun. All we know of the sun is from a very strange scientific perspective and the sun is absolutely not what we think it is.
The sound of the cicadas right now are bringing us a message of the spirit in their sound, and just to give you an idea…
I don’t know if you know, but the lifecycle of a cicada is very interesting. In China, cicadas, for the first born, they give a gift of a cicada, a stone cicada and cicada is wind, and there is a whole tribe in Ecuador called the Sequoya and they are the cicada people and they have connection through their Yahé with the heavenly people.
The story of the cicada is kind of interesting because they only have a very short life cycle out and about in the way we are experiencing them. That is flying around, mating and that cicada sound that you hear in the summer. Their life cycles are very variant. They can be 7 years or 13 years or 17 years for example. They are all in these prime numbers and they do that so there is no predation. So, you may get a cicada cycle that’s 13 years long and what happens is, the cicada will fly around and have a wonderful sex life for a couple of weeks and then they all die. And they lay eggs in the trees and those eggs hatch and the small grubs fall out of the tree, they burrow into the soil and attach to the tree root.
So, what a tree is, is a bridge between heaven and earth. A part of the tree is rooted in the earth and we don’t see it – it’s in the dark. It’s like the subconscious. Now, the tree root is very important because a tree is rooted into the ancestors. The soil is literally the decomposing of what’s left of the bodies of our ancestors. The earth is made up of thousands and thousands of generations of beings that have come before us: Dead animals, bacteria, earth worms, plants, mulch, cosmic space dust. All of that stuff forms the earth and it’s the past.
“That song that they are singing is the condensed story of the cosmos for the 17 years”
So the tree is rooted into the past and at the same time a part of the tree grows up and its standing there still in testament, and what it does is it stretches out these solar panels that we call leaves and on those solar panels a very unique interaction occurs that science is blown away by in many different ways.
First of all, those solar panels collect light and they literally turn it into physical form – into sugars, in a magical process. Recently there had been some scientific articles about how the chloroplasts, which are in that leaf, actually capture the sunlight and they do this quantum thing called super position, where they calculate all of the possible roots the light could take. They pre-choose the optimum path. In other words, they are collapsing space time to do this feat of capturing light and storing it in sugars. And what they then do is they pump those sugars down into the roots during the day and they feed the whole soil ecology. So, a part of the tree is growing down into the dark, to the ancestry and part of it is growing up into the cosmos, the light and this beautiful union is what a tree is all about. It’s like a vertical being drawing down cosmic energy and drawing up ancestral energy and liberating that in all of its products. Its air it produces, its incredible sugars that we call fruits, the medicines that the trees and plants make. And so, the tree acts as this vertical axis and humans act as the horizontal axis. It’s like a sacred cross.
So, the Cicada grub burrows down to the root, which is like an umbilicus to the grub. And so, it is receiving the light that comes from our sun through the tree sap elixir. Our sun is like the local internet service provider so the light that comes from our sun is actually a digest of all the light from all the suns – from the great central sun – And don’t let scientists tell you, (I’m a scientist by the way!) – don’t let scientists tell you that that light takes thousands of light years to get here. That’s all bullshit. The light comes from the great central sun through our sun and enters our atmosphere instantaneously. There may be a component that travels at the speed of light that we know – but the spiritual component is instantaneous. So, whatever is happening anywhere in the cosmos comes through our sunlight in the form of a solar-sonic-music that all of life is tuned to – And cicadas are very specifically tuned to this.
So, the Cicadas, after dropping into the soil and gestating by sucking the tree sap for this twenty plus years in some cases – what that tree sap is, is condensed sunshine in a liquid form. But its not just sunshine, it’s the combination of the whole ancestry, in other words – all the past – plus the light coming from our sun. So just follow me on this because why I started sun gazing 40 years ago – when you stare at the sun and you start to develop a new relationship with the sun, that particular solar cultivation allows you to speak to the light and it allows you to download a whole bunch of information including a very specific form of nutrition, like a solar nutrition and this, as you may start to glean, as I go on, is vital for all living systems.
If ever you get a chance to look at a cicada, you’ll see they’ve got a number of eyes but three main eyes with a big third eye which is supremely adapted to telling the temperature and reading the light, and at certain light cues, they all hatch out. So, they could have been in the soil, sucking on that tree root, sucking that sap, which is being created by the leaves. And so they are in touch with the song of light happening throughout the cosmos, and they are drinking that as a sap through the tree root and when they hatch out after 17 years at the same time. That song that they are singing is the condensed story of the cosmos for the 17 years – and when we hear that, our body, even though we can’t intelligently understand it, gets the download of light of what’s been happening in the cosmos for the past 17 years.
So that’s pretty far out. So next time you’re listening to a Cicada and you’ll hear that each different species has different sounds and you’ll hear they are all like a shamans rattles, and if you just space out, drop out of your mind… and you hear that wave come… and you feel into it… the cicada can sense, they can hear the listening from your ears. And you can do this with any bird or with any insect. Listen intently to it and it will start singing just for you and there’s nutrition in that sound. So just listen to it from your heart and you’ll hear this incredible upload, a sonic upload of digested light information from the cosmos. It’s a gift unlike any other and its heard by the trees – so when that cicada is singing that sound, all of the stomata open up and receive more light.
“listen to it from your heart and you’ll hear this incredible upload, a sonic upload of digested light information from the cosmos”
So, there was a guy who came up with an idea to play plants music, and he noticed all of the stomata open and they photosynthesize better and they grow better and he created a product called sonic bloom. So, what happens is – a forest is a whole, you could say, a whole temple of light. All the tree beings in there are columns of water that are adapted to working with light, and when the cicadas come out and sing their song, they create a dome of sound over the forest that is also complemented by the orchestral sounds of birds and frogs and crickets and all the jungle sounds, and they create like a sonic envelope and that sonic envelope is really important because that sound makes the sunlight more digestible and as we start to remove species from the forest by taking away their host trees, and that frog species disappears and that insect species disappears, we actually create holes in that sonic envelope and that’s when you get pests coming in and that’s when the forest starts to degrade. If you remove enough of the forest, that sonic envelope collapses and forest degrades and eventually dies, and fortunately, we are at a time in history where we’ve hopefully reached the edge of the pendulum swing with the death of the forests, where we are now hopefully at the birth of a new golden age for forestry and replanting.
My earth blessing is to seed, for each one of us, to seed the rebirth and return of the forest.
The Blue Water Lily and the Fragrance of Ascent
There’s a story that Egyptians, which would have been Atlantians, came here, to Australia to get the blue water lily.
The Egyptians that built the pyramids are not the same Egyptians that are living in Egypt today – And from the hieroglyphic information, it seems like the Egyptians were actually Atlantians, and one of the ways which we can tell this, is that a lot of the hieroglyphs show, that in their ceremonies, they have on their alter, a blue water lily, (which has been called lotus, but it’s actually a blue water lily) which grows around this area. The blue water lily was the flower of Atlantis and if you look at how much this blue water lily appears throughout Egyptian culture – it’s incredible. So much carving, so much of the artwork is iconic and has this blue water lily, and so, even the most preserved mummy of a king (I think it was Ramesses) chose to be mummified with the petals of the blue water lily around his neck. And you have to ask the question! If he was one of the most powerful people in ancient Egypt, why did he choose, if there was access to gold and infinite power, why did he choose to have a blue water lily as his necklace when he died?
So, there’s this association blue water lily and the idea of immortality.
I’ve drunk the liquid in the blue water lily and its sublime. It’s incredible. I would highly recommend it. There’s lots of places where there is tons of blue water lilies. Just get boogie board or a surfboard and paddle out in the morning. Now, they open and close three days in a row. But on the first day it opens, there’s a whole lot of little yellow stamens – they actually open to form this inner temple and within there’s about a mil of liquid, way more than could be for any insect, and if you take a dropper or a little bamboo straw (which is my suggestion!) and take a sip of that nectar, it’s an amazing nectar. It actually has the quality of like an alcohol. It goes instantly into the blood stream and you can feel it at the tips of your toes. So, as you sip this nectar, you can feel something happen in your body, but it’s really subtle. I’ve taken a little dropper and filled a whole bottle and in the fridge. After 5-7 days its starts to go off, so to speak, and I don’t know if you could keep it going in alcohol. But fresh is best, you know. Just suck it up. Suck it and see.
“if you take a dropper or a little bamboo straw (which is my suggestion!) and take a sip of that nectar, it’s an amazing nectar. It actually has the quality of like an alcohol. ”
So I think that it’s the physical energetic of seeing the blue water lily and its fragrance is what I think the Egyptians were so enamored with, because within that frequency there is a key, and that key is somehow related to our longevity practices through a raising of awareness or a raising of consciousness.
All of Lotus
This here is a lotus seed, and within this lotus seed, is some very interesting alchemy. First of all, as a seed, this contains thousands and thousands of lotus plants, in fact an infinite number of lotus plants, because as one plant grows, that then produces hundreds or thousands of seeds, and each one of them is a portal to thousands and thousands more seeds.
So, within this seed, is contained all of lotus, which is an unlimited amount of energy, which is quite amazing. But what else is quite amazing about this seed, is that the lotus seed is known to be the seed that has survived the longest out of any seed in nature and still been sprouted. So, they’ve found lotus seeds over 2000 years old and sprouted them and they’ve come back to life.
Now that’s pretty amazing, because if you could see inside this seed, there’s a white seed coat but within that there’s a small green lotus shoot, which is the two first leaves that come out and they stay there, in that suspended animation for essentially up to 2000 years, but maybe longer, and when, in the right conditions, they sprout and come back to life! And, you know, be this portal again for an infinite amount of not only food but consciousness medicine as well.
The lotus has been used by the lotus eating cultures and every part of the lotus is being eaten by them. The roots are a staple starch product. The stems get used in a salad, like a green papaya kind of salad. The young leaves get used both as plates to eat on, that you can throw away, but they also get chopped up as a vegetable. The seeds of course, were an amazing food source because on the outside, it’s like chickpeas. But inside the seed, surrounding that little green shoot, is a gel and in that is contained human growth hormone. And human growth hormone, one of the only places, I believe it’s the only place (but there may still be more to be discovered), is the only place in nature where human growth hormone occurs, other than humans! Which is quite amazing because it’s through the declining amount of human growth hormone in the body, that we start to actually age.
“By resonating and tuning into the frequency of the sacred lotus, we may be engaging in practices which awaken us.”
So maybe, this is one of the secrets to physical immortality, but probably not in the way in which we think. By resonating and tuning into the frequency of the sacred lotus, we may be engaging in practices which awaken us.
At a certain level of awakening, we can learn, that we can change the frequency of our cellular tissue to actually move with us through time and space in a type of teleportation. Now the Tibetan Buddhists have spent many years, many lifetimes looking at this process. And they have meditations around the idea of a rainbow body, where at the point of death, depending on one’s practice, you can dissolve the body into light components and actually take the body with you into the death realm. So, this sets the tone that it is possible to dissolve our bodies into pure light and take them with us. What I’m suggesting is that this cannot be done out of fear. Because if we fear death and we try and develop our rainbow body out of fear of death, we will always fail. And so, this has to be done out of a practice of letting go of the idea of what life is.
Anchoring the Light
The human dreaming capability,
The way that humans are designed,
The immortal spiritual being in this body has a very powerful creative potential,
What we dream about,
What we talk about,
What we sing about,
What we dance about,
What we make love about,
Can literally create other worlds in other dimensions and here.
And that is what the role of the Shaman, the Artist, the Healer – IS.
That role of those beings is to literally build bridges between these other dimensions and this dimension,
To allow living light energy that we could call LOVE to flow down through our bodies into this dimension, and for us to anchor that light in this dimension as a form of ‘living consciousness’ or love.
And the process that humans do is that they, along with the trees and the microbes, and the crystals and the animals, is we capture that light and encode it into the planet.
In other words, we bring living light and love to this dimension.
But humans also have another role,
Their role is also to capture light, digest that energy and send it back to the source. That is what our singing and dancing and meditation and prayers actually is. In other words, humans become the bridge between energy coming onto the planet and energy leaving the planet.
Like I said, with the trees, we form a sacred cross. Where the trees are bringing the energy from the earth up, and from the cosmos down, and liberating it into this dimension.
And then humans and animals spread it across this thin film, the meme-brain, the membrane.
And then humans, as living curators and custodians and conductors, their role is to choose, and what do we choose?
What we choose, is how we become custodians,
This is our power of choice, what food we choose to eat, what people we choose to hang out with, what water we choose to drink, you know, what food? Whether we choose to eat biodynamic food or chemical grown food? Whether we choose to watch fox news or go and sit under a tree outside? Each one of us has the responsibility and the power to make those choices. And its with those choices that we will determine what ‘worlds’ are created.
“that is what the role of the Shaman, the Artist, the Healer – IS.
That role of those beings is to literally build bridges between these other dimensions and this dimension”
So, Sophia returning…
Sophia returning is the living planet, of which, each one of our bodies is like a cell. As the planet reawakens, we are a part of that planet awakening. We are a part of the moving, living nervous system.
We are a part of the communication between light coming to the planet and light leaving the planet, and so that ‘metabolism’ of light is modulated by humans.
Our perception of beauty is an indication of how ‘in tune’ or how ‘healed’ we are. That is why when the artist will be painting something, they are operating from their heart. And I’m talking about true art, not the art of glamour, the art to impress or the art to sell to someone. I’m talking about true art that takes us to a space of awe. Where perception of that art drops us out of our heads and into our hearts and we just behold. Nature is living art. Nature and the beauty of nature is this imperishable nectar that is held for us in trust by our conscious awareness.
As we walk along on the planet, our heart literally radiates a field. And that frequency that we radiate is, like I said, the entirety of all of the different energies that we’ve chosen bring into our bodies, these literally radiate out. So that is why beings like Buddha or Christ, whether they existed or not, it doesn’t matter. But the mythology behind these beings, is that those beings have learned to tap into an infinite source, an infinite radiant field. Exactly what the sun mirrors to us in this dimension with the heart. That radiant heart, that glowing heart creates such a powerful field that anyone else, upon entering into that field, is going to enter into spontaneous healing. Their body literally becomes entrained so that all the bacteria, all the cells would recognize this high source of energy. Just like plants and humans recognize the sun and instantly start to upgrade their frequency and can literally live off that frequency.
Just as I said, bacteria can feed off electrons.
What organ is most powerful, bio-electro-energetic generator in the body?
It’s the heart.
So, the heart literally creates a living field.
“We are a part of the communication between light coming to the planet and light leaving the planet, and so that ‘metabolism’ of light is modulated by humans.”
If you use an encephalogram, you can measure energetic field coming off the heart. However, when the heart goes into a very specific quantum collapse field that we call love or pure compassion and empathy, this creates a field that all of the spiritual teachings talk about. Which the Sufis write poetry and sing about.
Which the Buddhists sit and meditate about…
That field can travel instantaneously across space and time and affect every single living being that’s tuned into that field. That’s remarkable.
So, it doesn’t matter that Buddha went through enlightenment 5000 years ago. The fact that that being experienced that specific process means that anyone can tune into that. Anytime, in any dimension. That is a part of our role in coming here. A part of our role is to tune into those ‘Buddha Fields’, to tune into ‘Lotus Land’ or ‘Pure Land’, The place humans and lotuses come from, according to the Tibetan Buddhists, and be a living representative of that realm here on earth, NOW.
Biosynthesis and the Sacred Cow
Artwork by Ravi Varma.
“What is biosynthesis?
So, the easiest way I can describe this to you is;
I was watching a short YouTube clip of an Indian man who was explaining that he was gathering together different varieties of cows throughout India because they were dying out, and he felt like it was his job to maintain these different varieties that had been bred over hundreds or maybe thousands of years. And as you know, in India cows are incredibly sacred.
So, these cows would wander around. They are not penned in.
And he was telling about how the cows were ‘browsers’ and ‘grazers.’
So, they would eat some grass and herbs – but they would also eat trees and plants
He explained that the cows would eat up to 60 medicinal plants in a day.
These cows would digest these plants in their four specialized stomachs.
And the story is – that their hooves which are like nails, are made out of compressed hair. And that compressed hair is silica, so they’re like crystals
So, the four hooves of the cow literally ‘plug’ into the earth.
And then the horns of the cow are again – crystals – And they plug into the cosmic realms.
They literally create a sonic vibration.
And the conjunction of that cosmic energy and that earth energy come and in the mesentery, in the literal stomachs of the cows, that have literally walked through that landscape and eaten all of those different medicinal herbs, which are now being alchemized and digested in the body.
Those then turn into milk.
And through that milk, that whole culture was being sustained by drinking that cow’s milk. And it was mainly through the Brahman cows. Now the Brahman that had that extra hump. That hump is said to be a cosmic organ that turns the milk specifically, makes it more bio-digestible for humans .
Today you can go to the supermarket and buy what’s called ‘A2’ milk. That A2 milk is from Brahman cows.
So, think about this…
What the cow is doing is, literally, as a cosmic being, is walking through the landscape, digesting the landscape, alchemizing it, biosynthesizing it, so that us as humans can take a sip of that milk and instantly plug into the medicinal living landscape. I mean how far out is that technology?
So, I want you to sit with that understanding, of how a cow is cosmically ‘plugged in’ and biosynthesizing the landscape and then how each one of us is biosynthesizing the landscape.
So, let’s say we come to earth frequency festival. We hang out with certain people. We listen to certain music. We see certain lights. Just us sitting here together, our bacteria are all talking to each other. Those bacteria, they actually communicate via infrared. Which is the same thing you use in a TV remote. It can go through walls. It can go up to 20 meters. So, my gut microbes are literally talking to your gut microbes. They’re going, ‘Hey… hey… yeah, how’s it going?’
Your gut, you can literally walk into a room and if there is fear or tension. Your gut can pick it up right away. Your gut microbes can pick it up. Certain animals that are very attuned to this, like dogs or snakes or sharks, they hunt by that fear.
So, if you get into sea water and you’re terrified of sharks – you’re way more likely to be bitten by a shark than the person next to you. So just chill out.
So literally our bodies as we walk through the landscape, are surrounded by a living field of bioenergy. This tree is producing a field of energy. This kangaroo. This grass. These crystals. This mountain. That cloud. That waterfall.
And so, as we take in all of that information, though our ears, through our eyes.
Each of our organs are literally a record and playback head for that energy.
Our kidneys for example, will record the level of fear in our environment. And then ‘play’ that level of fear back in our body back into our blood which enters the environment through our radiant field and through the water that we pee out.
And our blood, the center of which – is iron. Now that iron is the exact same as in the 50s, 60s & 70s where there was piece of cellophane with rust on it called ‘tape’ that we would record music on. A magnetic head would align that rust on the cellophane and record music by changing the angles on the pieces of rust. Then it would go over another magnetic head which was the play back head and determined by the shapes of that rust on that cellophane would be the music. Our blood is a doughnut shaped or a torus shaped molecule with iron in the middle that spins in our vein. So, it’s actually spinning in an electromagnetic field and recording all of the information. As I said, of this living field, this sea of information that we’re living in.
“What the cow is doing is, literally, as a cosmic being, is walking through the landscape, digesting the landscape, alchemizing it, biosynthesizing it, so that us as humans can take a sip of that milk and instantly plug into the medicinal living landscape. I mean how far out is that technology?”
And so, our heart records the level of compassion. Our liver will record the level of anger. So, each one of our organs is literally a recording and playback device which determines the synthesis between us and the environment.
So, because humans have such an incredible ability of changing their emotional state changing where they engage their energy.
What they think, what they feel, how they breathe. This can literally change their emotions.
So, we can literally generate a loving state in our bodies and through that loving state we can affect every other human and every other living organism as well as the immune system of our own body. Because our heart, as this electromagnetic field generator, can generate ‘chi’ or ‘prana’ in an unlimited amount (just like the sun) and feel every single microbe colony in our body, and others.
And that’s pretty fucking amazing.
Tryptamines at the End of Time: Birthing a Spheroid Awareness
Birth by Alex Grey.
Human being as the ultimate technology and the language of light.
Technology is an extrusion from the future, which is mirroring to us our present level of consciousness. A future where the ultimate converged technology already exists. Our bodies and spirit pilots are waiting for us at the end of the technology path no doubt at the party. Like a spaceship without any controls, the intuitive mind/heart interface seems so simple and as soon as we find the operating manual, we will be poised to shift into the new world. Our technology is helping us to tease the manual out of the proverbial ether as we learn to operate new cars, phones, computers and toys. Language is the key, where will it come from?
Wetware, biotech, hardwired, modem, online, operating system. We see the world through the filter of the language we use. There is a phenomenon occurring so rapidly and stealthily that most are unaware that it is happening. We are being taught a new language born of necessity and it is the language of human consciousness!
The English language seems to be a language of commerce, trading, barter and competition, not very well suited to describing the nuances of love or sublime matters of spirit and the unseen feelings, emotions, consciousness. We are now rapidly being taught the language of silicon consciousness or computer speak, and the implications are no less than mind-bendingly transformative. I feel that we are poised to jump into a virtual and literal hyperspace with the sudden switch and adaptation to this new language. Literally millions of people, mainly in the rich western world [everyone who is computer literate] will wake up to find that the main function of their computer was not to shorten laborious number crunching tasks but to teach a new language of light! The overhaul is simply a matter of drawing a comparison. An example would be to imagine that your pineal gland was a modem. An open mind or broadband connection would open us up to a whole world of different dimensions or websites. Without being connected we would be like an individual cell in isolation with limited communication, applications and software to facilitate content production but no way of sharing.
New language and the construction of the crystalline grid.
“Our bodies and spirit pilots are waiting for us at the end of the technology path no doubt at the party. Like a spaceship without any controls, the intuitive mind/heart interface seems so simple and as soon as we find the operating manual, we will be poised to shift into the new world.”
In the 60’s and 70’s a new wave of consciousness was sweeping the western world. This consciousness ‘revolution/evolution’ was mirrored by the discovery by the western world of psychoactive media and the impact that this had on the union of the two hemispheres [east and west, and left and right brain]. It is no surprise to me that Silicon Valley was situated on the western seaboard of the USA, as this was the center of this unfolding of a new form of consciousness. The intellect of the west combined with the spiritual understanding of the east was captured/manifested in a crystalline matrix we are now all familiar with, a silicon chip. The heralding of the final part of this dreaming is the rediscovery and popularity of the tryptamines that signal the collapse of space /time and dawning of the final unfolding of this dreaming. Much like the western seaboard was the epicenter for birth of silicon consciousness via the external manifestation of mushrooms and LSD, the Eastern seaboard of Australia is the stage for the unfolding of this Acacia fueled dream space/time. Indeed, the earth was recently much smaller than then it is now and the eastern coast, with the leading-edge being Byron Bay, fit snugly into the join of N and S America. The oldest ocean beds being in the region of 250 million years old and the land being in the realms of 3 billion years old. Welcome to the expanding earth, reflecting the expanding consciousness. The threshold of mass and size of earth has been reached, modulated by the forces of light and dark and the coordinated, dare I say orchestrated growth was and still is modulated by the beings of light, our plant brothers and sisters as they download the light of sun and an infinite stars into useful plant sugars supplying food, shelter, fuel, medicine and the instruction manual for the end of time. Welcome to the NOW.
Our Most Precious Resource
If our most precious Resource is our attention, then the biggest ‘game’ would be to capture our attention and use it for other agendas. Our ancestors built many earth structures and temples to focus specific human frequency energy fields and this presentation will explore the purpose of those structures and how we as humans can steer the ‘dreamworld’ as it becomes ‘real’. It is apparent that the earth is going through escalating rapid changes on all levels and that we are not bystanders but potential co-creators that have forgotten their role as curator, custodian and conductors of the music of nature. Managed in harmony, there is enough energy to create abundance for All.
In preparing for our custodial role we need to reconnect, reconfigure, and engage our essence through a process of deep earth initiation.
Initiation is a ‘stepping over the threshold’ that broadens our perception. It is a homecoming into who we are and our role in the cosmos. The purpose of initiation is to activate the wisdom encoded within us from beyond time and bring about an empowerment and ancestral alignment that allows us to operate in heightened capacity. The role of initiation in traditional cultures is the gatekeeper of perception, and rites of passage punctuate a lifetime in a sacred geometric pattern. These blossom our awareness and allow us to see the workings behind the world - performing alchemy with our attention.
Much of initiation and ceremony is about preparing the vessel of the self to receive a higher caliber of knowledge and practice. We’ll look at how ancient cultures performed this, and how we can begin to open and ready ourselves at the auspicious time on our planet, the ‘end of time’ and the beginning of the new dreaming.
Let us take a mind bending, gut wrenching and heart opening tour of our micro and macro worlds. Come join the sacred nectar gatherers - planting dream seeds, pulling belief weeds and harvesting the fruit of love.
Dan Schreiber and the cicadas at EGA.