The EGA Bibliography
EGA have published hundreds of ethnobotanical works. Our contribution to psychoactive plant sciences and culture is immense, so we’re sharing this list of our citations to help plant people keep track.
EGA is the collaborative effort of hard-working, plant-loving volunteers. Many authors, editors, creators and other magical people are essential for every work produced by EGA; many unnamed people work behind the scenes to facilitate this important work.
Our impressive bibliography is tribute to the generous ethnobotanical community.

Communacacian. (2023). Acacia: Growing towards a mutual symbiosis
Engel, L. (2023). New Sun Tribe: The gift of Dan Schreiber
Voogelbreinder, S. (2023). Drug Myths: Fact, fiction and the murk in between
Engel, L. (2023). San Pedronomics: Auctioning Trichocereus cacti
Engel, L. (2023). Australian San Pedro: A classic clone catalogue
Darklight. (2023). Plant Tissue Culture: Explant initiation and sterilisation 101
Spooner, A. (2022). Psychedelic Therapy with Renee Harvey
Foggin, C. (2022). Guerilla Mycology
Engel, L. & Gibson, P. (2022). Indoctrinated By Plants: Uncut
Darklight. (2022). Propagation of damiana (Turnera diffusa), a medicinal plant
Lawson, J. (2022). Myco-materials: Mushrooms beyond sauté
Engel, L. (2023). Reference Guide to Common Wattles
Engel, L. & Communacacian. (2023). How to Grow Acacia Seeds
Engel, L. (2022). San Pedro Lookalikes: Identifying Trichocereus imposters
Engel, L. (2022). The Entheogen Combination Matrix
Engel, L. & Daze, H. (2021). Coke Bottle Tek: A terrarium technique
Engel, L. (2021). Lophophora Conservation Reference Guide
Engel, L. (2021). Cannabis Concentrates Reference Guide
Barlow, C. & Engel, L. (2021). How to Make a Spore Print
Barlow, C. (2021). Psilocybe subaeruginosa Reference Guide
Barlow, C. & Engel, L. (2021). Ethnomycological Reference List
Beck, S. (2022). Wood Lover Paralysis
Barlow, C. (2022). Foraging fungi, citizen science and the ethics of funga
Barlow, C. (2022). A species description and reference guide for Psilocybe subaeruginosa
Bright, S. (2022). MDMA Research Down Under: What does a decade of persistence look like?
Corro, E. (2022). Community participation and science
Darklight. (2022). Plant Tissue Culture: Explant initiation and sterilisation 101
Engel, L. (2022). Australian San Pedro: A classic clone catalogue
Gagen, R. (2022). A Prescription of NeuroGnostics; Entheogenic herbalism
Goodman, A. (2022). Thinking Fungally: Ecological modes of thought
Haridy, R. (2022). The Problem at the Heart of Modern Psychedelic Clinical Research
Liberman, L. (2022). Preparing the Vessel
Trout, K. (2022). Belief and Reality
Roy, L. (2022). The Ayahuasca Dieta Experience: Utilising metacognitive skills and ritual to support integration
Haridy, R. (2022). Meet the Two Researchers Bringing VR to Psychedelic Therapy
Sekula, A. & Puspanathan, P. (2022). Challenging the Status Quo of the Challenge to the Status Quo
Seed SistAs. (2022). Exploration of the Witching Plants: A historical and personal journey
Sun, N. (2022). Some traps and pitfalls of the psychedelic path
Trout, K. (2022). Strychnine!
Voogelbreinder, S. (2022). Tobacco Substitutes in Australia: The non-indigenous experience
Warner, M. (2022). Cyberdelics: Technology to nurture the psyche
Miller, P. & Weidemann, T. (2022). Thebaine and Poppy Seed Poisoning: An Australian case study
Trout, K. (2022). Thanks Mulga
Alloca, J. (2017). Salvia divonorum: The most unique naturally occurring substance known to man
Ashley, S. (2017). Simultaneous Systemic Realities: A new world order
Communacacian. (2017). Growing Towards a Mutual Symbiosis
Bowden, P. (2017). Smudging and Sacred Smoke
Clark, G. (2017). The Dionysian Primate: The default mode network, psychopathology and the psychedelic brain
Darklight. (2017). Micropropagation of Damiana (Turnera diffusa), a medicinal plant
Davis, E. (2017). Sacred and Profane: Religion and psychedelics
Doloswala, K. (2017). The Nature of Plant Sacredness: Mapacho and the wasps
Forrest, T. (2017). Tanning Your Plants: The curious effects of UV-A and UV-B
Ginsberg, N. (2017). Psychedelics and the Trauma of Daily Injustice
Hartberg, J. (2017). Filling a Void
Job, S. (2017). Bakunin and the Entheogenic Challenge to Atheism
Kent, N. (2017). What are we teaching them?
Koćárová, R. (2017). Psychedelic Research in the 60’s: Teachings and implications for the future
Loos, T. (2017). Experiencing Place Through Connection and the Power of Narrative: The Daylesford nature diary
Marolda, (2017). Your Body Your Spaceship
Nickles, D. (2017). On the Complicity of Psychedelic Communities in Dominant Culture
Oroc, J. (2017). An Excerpt From “The New Psychedelic Revolution”
O’Shaugnessy, D. (2017). Ayahuasca and the Academy
Palmer, J. (2017). The Alchemy of Tryptamines
Puspanathan, P. (2017). Psychedelic Research in Australia: Breaking through the stigma
Razam, R. (2017). Into the Light
Rettig, O. (2017). OTAC The Sacred Ancient Medicine of Modernity
Roberts, T. (2017). Apps Are to Electronic Devices as MindApps are to Minds – Multistate mind theory psychedelics as ideagens
Sessa, B. (2017). Back to the Future: Psychiatry needs psychedelics, and psychedelics need psychiatry
Sharrock, D. (2017). Being Healed: Some thoughts about ayahuasca’s (energetic) relationship with the self
Nathan, D. Clark, W. & Elders, J. (2017). The Physician’s Case for Marijuana Legalisation
Sisley, S. (2017). What Social Justice and/or Criminal Justice Reforms Do You Want the U.S. to Make Around it’s Drug Policy, Particularly Around Cannabis?
Space, M. & Walsh, B. (2017). Yoga and the Entheogenic Experience
Strauss, N. (2017). Psychiatry, Psychedelics and Meaning
Tafur, J. (2017). Bridging Ayahuasca Shamanism and Allopathic Medicine
Tramacchi, D. (2017). Journeys into Sound: Psychedelics and Auditory Perception
Tune-in, C. (2017). Some Benefits of Becoming an Ethnobotanical Gardener
Valentish, J. (2017). Treating Trauma
Voogelbreinder, S. (2017). Drug Myths: Fact, Fiction and the Murk In Between
Williams, T. & Gagen, R. (2017). The Sustainable Iboga Experience
Willis, S. (2017). The Genius Within
Drinkell, M. (2017). A Perfect Union: Music, Psychedelics and Psychotherapy
Ping, A. (2011). The Art of Remembering Who You Really Are
Mishor, Z. (2011). Celebrating Diversity: Four core themes in the psychedelic community
Scott, P. (2011). Nothing Lasts, But Nothing is Lost… Plant-based spirituality, healing and death
James, C. (2011). High vs. Wasted: Creating a therapeutic user’s guide
Cutler, S. (2011). Mysteries of Peyote
Knight, D. (2011). Formulating Laws of Conciousness
Erowid, F. & Erowid, E. (2011). Psychoactives 101: Fundamentals of responsible psychoactive use
Jesse, B. (2011). Code of Ethics for Spiritual Guides
McDonald, S. (2011). Human Evolution: Who are we becoming? A map for the archaic revival
Lang, B. & Goedjen, T. (2011). Off With the Words: A guided visualisation
Thomas, B. (2011). An experiment to observe the effects of eating a substance called “agara” bark
Gooden, D. (2011). The Engineers of the Future Will Be Poets
Schultz, M. (2011). DMTRMX: Seeding the transcendent consciousness via transmedia explorations
St John, G. (2011). Remixtical Experiences and “The Pink Packet”
Kasarik, G. (2011). Tasty Tripping Tips
Palmer, J. (2011). Changa
Barratt, M. (2011). Internet Filtering, Drug Websites and Harm Reduction in Australia
Șenol, N. (2011). Psychedemia: Visionary art and hyperspace philosophy beyond postmodernism
Bright, S. (2011). Entheogens Versus Drugs of Dependence: Deciphering the differences
Oroc, J. (2011). Thoughts on Modern Mystery Schools and an Entheogenic Manifesto
Varley, J. (2011). Transliminality and Metaphysical Misinterpretation: Psychic ability or psychopathology?
Hencken, R. & Yazar-Klosinki, B. (2010). MAPS International Clinical Research
Mishor, Z. (2010). Acid and Anti-Structure: Turner’s “communitas” and society’s backlash against the 1960’s counterculture
Stanley, B. (2010). A Practical Solution
Mitchell, R. (2010). Lock Picking, Interpretive Dance and Unbridled Curiosity: A peek into the world of psychedelic curiosity
Weidemann, T. (2010). Is It Legal?
Tramacchi, D. (2010). Exciting the Spirit: Cross-cultural perspectives on the uses of stimulants as entheogens
Schultz, M. (2010). Hacking Reality: Conscious evolution of a multi-dimensional language system
Geller, J. (2010). Towards a Sacramental Understanding of Dextromethorphan: A research story
Razam, R. (2010). Cosmic Consciousness to Convergence
Bock, M. (2010). Ergots and the Related Fungi of Australasia and the Ergot Alkaloids
Leneghan, S. (2010). The Varieties of Ecstasy Experience: A defence of existential phenomenology
Bright, S. (2010). Taking Entheogens to the Masses: Reflections on presenting to the Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and Other Drugs (APSAD)
Kurtz, C. (2009). Conceptual Hallucinogens and the Altered Shulgin Scale
Tramacchi, D. (2009). Entheogens and the Disincarnate
Dawnsong, E. (2009). About Time… Shift happens!
Iyi, K. (2009). The Inter-Dimensional Village
Elliot, P. (2009). Psychedelic Literature
Pike, N. (2009). The Unbroken Chain: A hidden history of the international drug trade
Jesse, B. (2009). Entheogenesis – What we can do
Van Keulen, E. (2009). Drinking Poetry: Culture under the influence
Bright, S. (2009). Legal and Herbal Highs: Legal loopholes or harm minimisation?
Williams, M. (2009). Drug Darwin Awards
Scott, P. (2009). Does Heroin Leave a Permanent Hole in Your Aura?
Raxworthy, J. (2009). “You Had to Be There”: Psychedelic, representation
Kasarik, G. (2009). Drugs vs. Entheogens: Reframing the sacraments
Bruce, R. (2009). Six Degrees of Separation from the Divine
Huebner, S. (2009). The Crazy Cactus Wisdom of Chavin: Ancient knowledge – hidden truths
Krusty, DJ. (2009). Masquerade Corroborree
Palmer, J. (2009). For What and Why We Do This?
Cross, M. (2009). Keeping it Real – Shamanism 101
Razam, R. (2009). Seekers of the Mystery
Faustus. (2009). Psychedelics and Psychosis: Dimethyltryptamine as an endogenous psychotogen
Schreiber, D. (2009). Tryptamines at the End of Time: Birthing a spheroid awareness
King, R. (2009). Triggering a Dream Shift, Crossing the Holy Wattle Bridge, Re-Hallowing the Earth
Smith, S. (2009). The Role of Ritual
McKenna, D. (2009). Ayahuasca and Human Destiny
Stanley, B. (2009). The Economic Consequences of Black Markets, Specifically in Reference to Drug Prohibition
(Augustus Owsley Stanley III)
Lawson, J. (2023) The Philosophy of Psychedelics – An Interview with Chris Letheby
Gibson, P. (2022). The Undergrowth of Psychedelic Australia
Tramcchi, D. (2022). Psychedelic Journeys and Auditory Perception
Razam, R. (2022). Being a Female Shaman in Peru – An interview with Adela
Kočárová, R. (2021). Could Psychedelics Help Prevent Mental Health Problems?
Dupis, D. (2020). Can Learning to Navigate Ayahuasca Hallucinations Help in Psychosis Treatment?
Rokhlin, S. (2020). Social Isolation Turns the World Inside Out. That’s why shamans do it.
Davis, W. (2020). The Kaleidoscopic Forest of Amazonian Shamans
Francuski, X. (2020). How Psychedelic Drugs Can Help Us Overcome Crisis
Francuski, X. (2020). Stuck at Home? Expand your mind with ayahuasca courses
Politi, M. (2020). Drinking Ayahuasca Without DMT is Powerful and Traditional
Anonymous. (2020). DMT and the Psychedelic Underground in Mainland China – An insider’s story
Francuski, X. (2020). Ayahuasca, Nazis, and the Life of Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff
Shipibo Conibo Centre of New York (2020). The Yarinachoca Declaration of Shipibo Healers, ASOMASHK
Gallimore, A. (2020). How DMT Switches the Brain’s Reality Channel
Maynas, M. (2020). Becoming a Master of Ayahuasca Takes Courage, Endurance, and Respect
López, P. (2020). The Dangers of the Ayahuasca Tourism Boom
Álvarez, C. (2020). We are Harvesting the Ayahuasca Vine at an Alarming Rate
Corisepa, V. (2019). Don’t Forget Us Native People Behind the Ayahuasca
Hartman, S. (2019). Watch Kaleidoscopic Songs of Ayahuasca Shamans Vibrate Water
Samorini, G. (2019). The Shaman’s Treasure: The many plants added to the ayahuasca brew
Francuski, X. (2019) Pharmahuasca: Can a Chemical Ayahuasca Alternative Compare?
Pinedo, J. (2019). My 30 Years of Being an Ayahuasca Shaman for Locals and Foreigners
Vasquez, R. (2019). Ayahuasca Has a Special Connection with My People, the Shipibo
Arnon, T. (2019). Getting Arrested and Released for Ayahuasca in Israel
Naranjo, C. (2019). Ayahuasca and the Problems of the World
Chavez, J. (2019). DMT’s Mind Bending Science – An interview with Dr Jimo Borjigin
Francuski, X. (2019). Remembering Psychedelic Therapy Research Elder, Dr Claudio Naranjo
Politi, M. (2019). Ayahuasca Is About More Than Just You. It’s about planetary health
Francuski, X. (2019). A Tribute to the Mother of Ayahuasca Research, Marlene Dobkin de Rios (1939-2012)
Moran, K. (2019). When the Ayahuasca Ceremony Goes Wrong
Standish, L. (2019). Can and Should Ayahuasca Become Part of Western Medicine?
Francuski, X. (2019). Dr Richard Evans Schultes’ Extraordinary Research with Amazonian Shamans
Ladha, A. & Kirk, M. (2019). Psychedelic Communities, Social Justice, and Kinship in the Capitalocene
Rocha, J. & Rossi, G. (2019). Meet the Person Serving Ayahuasca to Inmates in Brazil: An interview with Edilsom Fernandes
Giraldo-Herrera, C. (2019). Do Ayahuasca Shamans See Microbial Worlds in Their Visions?
Fortier, M. (2019). How Can Naturalism Help Us Understand Ayahuasca Entities?
Sita, S. (2019). Eleven Otherworldly Visionary and Ayahuasca Artists You Probably Don’t Know
Francuski, R. (2019). Ralph Metzner: Remembering the Extraordinary Psychedelic Pioneer (1936-2019)
Palomares, J. (2019). Translating Ayahuasca Shamanism and Western Medicine
Moran, K. (2019). We Need to Talk About When People Feel Worse After Ayahuasca
Francuski, X. (2019). The “Traditional” Ayahuasca Ceremony is Probably a Recent Invention
Harris, R. (2019). Ayahuasca Integration Means Facing the Shadow in Daily Life
Almendro, M. (2019). Integrating Ayahuasca Experiences Requires an Integrated Approach
González, D. (2019). What Does Ayahuasca Have To Do with Ancestors and the Dead?
Oblak, E. (2019). Ayahuasca Can Help Us Heal Deep Wounds of Global History
dos Santos, R. (2019). What I learned During 15 Years as an Ayahuasca Scientist
Samorini, G. (2019). Syrian Rue (Peganum harmala), the “Ayahuasca” of North Africa and Eurasia
Davis, E. (2019). How to Think About Weird Psychedelic Beings
Gearin, A. (2019). Ayahuasca Exotica and High Fashion on the Kenzo Runway
Francuski, X. (2019). Where Do Ayahuasca Visions Really Come From?
Gearin, A. (2019). Ayahuasca Joined the Parliament of the World’s Religions
Evans, J. (2018). Jung in the Jungle: What the Brew Ayahuasca Taught Me About My Shadow
Gagliano, M. (2018). The Forgotten Science of Shamanic Plant Whispering
Michaelson, J. (2018). Ayahuasca Gave Me a Backstage Pass to the Theatre of Well-Being
Francuski, X. (2018). Why We Strive for Ego Death With Psychedelics
Michaelson, J. (2018). The DMT Drug Is Not A Drug, It’s Much Stranger
Gearin, A. (2018). High Kingdom: Why Animals Take Psychedelic Substances
Weiskopf, J. (2018). Ayahuasca Stirs Up Debate Over Its Effects
Francuski, X. (2018). Creativity Enhancing Drugs: How psychedelics appear to boost divergent thinking
Aronovich, A. (2018). Remembering Wholeness: Ayahuasca and the Structural Violence of Modern Life
Jay, M. (2018). High Society: The universal impulse to alter consciousness
Francuski, X. (2018). The Life and High Times of Psychedelic Bard, Terence McKenna
Gearin, A. (2018). 16 Ayahuasca Books to Get Your Hands On
Wilder, D. (2018). How to Find and Choose the Right Ayahuasca Retreat
Charing, H. (2018). The Ayahuasca Visions of Peruvian Artist Pablo Amaringo
Michaelson, J. (2018). New Documentary Shows Veterans Treating PTSD with Ayahuasca
Charing, H. (2018). Plant Visions: An interview with ayahuasca artist Pablo Amaringo
Beyer, S. (2018). Safety Tips for Traveling to Drink Ayahuasca in the Deep Jungle
Francuski, X. (2018). Ayahuasca and Depression: Amazonian tea rapidly helps severely depressed patients
Kelly, C. (2018). Enhancing Your Ayahuasca Experience: Harnessing the power of intention and belief
Francuski, X. (2018). Ayahuasca: The big guide
Gearin, A. (2018). 15 Mind-Blowing Ayahuasca and DMT Visuals
Beyer, S. (2018). How I Became an Ayahuasca Sorcerer
Gearin, A. (2018). The Natural and Visionary Wonderland of Ayahuasca’s Art
Tramacchi, D. (2018). Meeting the DMT Trip Entities in Art
Francuski, X. (2018). Could Ayahuasca Help Fight Parkinson’s Disease?
Crittenden, G. (2018). What the Psychedelic Experience Really Is
Van De Vyver, J. (2018). Ayahuasca Healing, Quantum Physics & the New Mind-Body Science
Highpine, G. (2018). It is Cultural Appropriation for White People to Drink Ayahuasca?
Stefan, C. (2018). A Doctor’s Initiation with the Powerful Amazonian Bew Ayahuasca
Francuski, X. (2018). How to Prepare for an Ayahuasca Ceremony: The ultimate guide
Solomon, A. (2018). Dr Rick Strassman Explains Why DMT is “The Spirit Molecule”
Pallamary, M. (2018). A Shamanic View of How Ayahuasca and Nature Communicate With Us
Rätsch, C. (2018). Psychoactive Plants and Shamanic Consciousness
Kounen, J. (2018). Advice for Encounters With Scary Serpents and Talking Plants During Ayahuasca Visions
Francuski, X. (2018). Can the Pineal Gland DMT Explain Natural Mystical Experiences?

Green, S. (2023). The Problems of the Throwing Out of Babies With Bath Waters: Whose paradigms are we really shifting?
St John, G. (2023). Terence McKenna: Psychedelic psychopomp and meta trip sitter
Cole, M. (2023). Towards a Revitalisation of Ethnobiology in Academia
Seed, J. (2023). Deep Ecology (and the power of ethnobotanical plants)
Ross, M. (2023). Psilocybin Assisted Therapy at the End of Life: Notes from the edge
Polito, V. (2023). What We Know So Far About Microdosing
Banister, S. (2023). Psychedelics 2.0 and Beyond
Lieberman, L. (2023). Preparing the Vessel
McTaggart, A., Barlow, C., Johnson, S., Haridy, R., Polito, V. & Beck, S. (2023). Psilocybin Mushrooms in Australia: From ID to Therapy Q & A
McTaggart, A. (2023). Psilocybin Genes in Magic Mushrooms
Barlow, C. (2023). Foraging for Australian Psilocybe Spp.
Beck, S. (2023). Set, Setting and Making the Most of Your Psilocybin Experience
Conrick, A. (2023). Bill Richards’ Living Room: How are we designing psychedelic clinical spaces?
Johnson, S. (2023). Psychedelic Psychotherapy – Psilocybin as a Medicine: Why and what to expect
Polito, V. (2023). Psilocybin Research in the Macquarie University Altered States Lab
Haridy, R. (2023). TGA’s Rescheduling of Psilocybin: What we know and what we don’t know
Laurence, J. (2023). The Alchemical Life
Puspanathan, P. & Sekula, A. (2023). New World Technology and Old World Wisdom
Holmgren, D. (2023). Permaculture Stories Celebrating Floristic and Fungal Abundance
Pouliot, A. (2023). Between Sex & Death: Journey into the Mycosphere
McTaggart, A. (2023). Sex and Psilocybin Genes in Magic Mushrooms
McLeod, M. (2023). Pill Testing CanTest Pilot
Engel, L. (2023). Designing Drug Combination Displays: Enter the Entheogen Combination Matrix
Engel, L., Faehrmann, C., Job, S., Warner, M., Baxter, M., Roy, A., Everingham, R. & Green, G. (2023). Psychedelic Medicine in the Gong: The power and the peril
Ross, A. (2022). Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy for People With Terminal Illness
Pouliot, A. (2022). The Forgotten Kingdom: Part 1, two special species
Pouliot, A. (2022). The Forgotten Kingdom: Part 5, identifying fungi
Pouliot, A. (2022). The Forgotten Kingdom: Part 4, fungi on the farm
Pouliot, A. (2022). The Forgotten Kingdom: Part 3, symbioses
Pouliot, A. (2022). The Forgotten Kingdom: Part 2, diversity
Pouliot, A. (2022). The Forgotten Kingdom: Part 1, introducing fungi
Gandy, S. (2022). Psychedelics and Nature Connectedness
Johnson, S., Hausen, E. & Wilson, M. (2022). Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy
Guidance, M., Balderstone, M., Pike, N., Hopkins, B. & Tissot, B. (2022). For Love of Weed and Justice: Celebrating 30 years of the Nimbin Mardigrass protestival
Communacacian. (2022). Identification Guide: Acacia acuminata and Acacia obtusifolia
Engel, L. (2022). Grow Globs Quick: Micrografting Peyote and other slow growing mescaline cacti
Barlow, C. (2022). Amanita muscaria: Fly agaric mushroom
Barlow, C. (2022). How To Identify Fungi: A beginners guide
Williams, M. (2022). Psilocybin Assisted Psychotherapy and Current Australian Research
Oroc, J., Tafur, J., Razam, R., Gagen, R., McDonald, S. & Pike, N. (2022). Gurunation: Shamans in a Global Village
Beck, S. (2022). Harm Reduction Tips and Discussion of Woodlovers Paralysis
McTaggart, A. (2022). How Long Have Magic Mushrooms Been in Australia?
Janikian, M. (2022). Psilocybin Mushroom Harm Reduction: Your psilocybin mushroom companion
Harvey, R. (2022). Psilocybin-Assisted Psychotherapy
Barratt, M. (2022). Encrypted Communications, digitally mediated drug trading and psychedelics
Williams, M. (2022). Beyond Psilocybin: The clinical potential of other psychedelics
Barlow, C. (2022). An Introduction to Psilocybe alutacea
Barlow, C. (2022). An Introduction to Psilocybe cubensis
Barlow, C. (2022). An Introduction to Psilocybe cyanescens
Barlow, C. (2022). An Introduction to Psilocybe semilanceata
Barlow, C. (2022). An Introduction to Psilocybe subaeruginosa
Ermakova, A. (2022). Entheogenic Conservation: Protecting naturally-occuring psychoactives
Nickles, D. & Carmichael, J. (2022). Notes from the Underground Interview
Nickles, D. (2022). Notes from the Underground
McTaggart, A. (2022). Safeguarding Genetic Diversity of Psilocybe
Doblin, R. (2022). Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) Update
Hayes, B. (2022). Psychedelic Harm Reduction: Tripping tips
Engel, L. (2022). Coke Bottle Tek: A terrarium technique – history and demo
Engel, L., Bright, S. & Tzanetis, S. (2022). Trip sitting and psychedelic care
Beck, S. & Barlow, C. (2021). Woodlover Paralysis
Letheby, C. (2021). Philosophy of Psychedelics
Payne, J. (2021). Combining Psychedelics and Mindfulness Interventions: Synergies to inform clinical practice
Bright, S. (2021). Psychedelics and MDMA, Historical Use in Psychotherapy and its Future as a Prescription
Barlow, C., Beck, S., Corro, E., Meister, B., Saunders, J. & Darklight. (2021). Fungi Foraging, Identification, Safety, Field Tips and Conservation
Rickord, J. & Wallis, N. (2021). A Conversation with Dr Jamie Rickord on the Medicalisation of Cannabis
Barlow, C. (2021). A Brief Overview of Australian Psilocybe and Active Allied Species
Bedrossian, C. (2021). Cannabis Cultivation: Reach for higher quality standards
Paterniti, K. (2021). The Relationship Between Psychedelic Occasioned Mystical Experiences and Pro-Environmental Behaviour
Forrest, T. & Wallis, N. (2021). Cannabis Cultivation: Findings of a Churchill Fellowship Q & A
Rickord, J. & Guidance, M. (2021). Perspectives on Medicalisation
Engel, L. (2021). San Pedro Australiana: Q & A
Engel, L. (2021). San Pedro Australiana: Why grow San Pedro?
Cutler, S. (2021). Observing First Nations Texan Lophophora Harvest
Strauss, N. (2021). Society, Psychiatry and Psychedelics
Lieberman, L. (2021). The Alchemy of Ceremony
Warner, M. (2020). Psychedelic-Assisted Mondfulness and Creative Cognition
Hazel, S. (2020). Creating Ritual
Tallberg, P. & Rundgren, L. (2020). The STOMATA project: Botanical dimensions fieldwork
MYCOmmunity. (2020). Wild Fungi
Voogelbreinder, S. (2020). Appreciating the Small Things
Communacacian. (2020). Acacia: Growing Australia’s sacred trees
Sun, P. (2020). On Psychedelics and Cognitive Liberty
Meister, B. (2020). You Cut: Cactus grafting
McKenna, D. & Wallis, N. (2020). Interview With Dennis McKenna
Nickles, D., Engel, L., Drinkell, M., Douglas, S. & Baker J. (2020). Australian Psychedelic Ethics
Polito, V., Williams, M., Bright, S., Ross, M. & Letheby, C. (2020). Australian Psychedelic Research
Barlow, C. (2020). Australian Psilocybe and their Lookalikes
Roberts, T., Polito, V., Davis, E., Dumpert, J. & Baker, A. (2020). Psychotechnologies: Conciousness hacking
Harrison, K. (2020). Veins of Light: Feminine awareness and visionary medicine
Bodkin, F. (2019). The Importance of Associations Between Australian Native Plant Species
Barratt, M. (2019). Psychedelics Worldwide: Difficult experiences, micro-dosing and ceremonial use
Gagliano, M. (2019). Imagining the New World: Science and the mind of plants
Payne, T. (2019). Life After Entheogens
Bodkin, F. (2019). Interview with Aunty Fran Bodkin
Tramacchi, D. (2019). Journeys Into Sounds: Psychedelics and Auditory Perception
Sessa, B., Harper, J., Strauss, N. & Kochava, R. (2019). Therapy With Substance: Mechanisms of Transformation
Puspanathan, P. (2019). Psychedelic Science: Resistance to renaissance
Kasarik, G. (2019). LSD, the Law and You
Nickles, D. (2019). Radical Entheogenic Practice in the Age of Institutional Psychedelics
Harrison, K. (2018). Psilocybin Mushrooms and Salvia divinorum Among the Mazatecs of Mexico
Voogelbreinder, S., Harrison, K., Wiedemann, T., Tramacchi, D., Communacacian, Pike, N., Jones, E. & Tanya (2018). The Entheogenic Garden
Williams, M., Harvey, T., Abad, P., Balderstone, M., Russel, S. & Tzanetis, S. (2018). The Festival War: Creating safe spaces
Pesce, M. (2018). Last Days of Reality
Nickles, D. (2018). Thoughts and Perspectives on the Future of Unsanctioned Psychedelic Research
Sessa, B. (2018). The Psychedelic Renaissance: Bold Steps on the Back of an Elephant
Tafur, J. (2018). Ayahuasca and Allopathic Medicine
Wiedemann, T. (2018). Enchanting Nightshades
Devenot, N. (2018). The Role of Poetic Language in Psychedelic Science
Clark, G. (2018). The Dionysian Primate
Doblin, R. (2018). Mainstreaming Psychedelics for Cultural Evolution and Planetary Health
Francis, C. (2018). The Problem of NBOMe
Job, S. (2018). The Beginner’s Guide to Enthearchy
Letheby, C. (2018). The Varities of Psychedelic Epistemology
McDonald, S. (2018). Psychedelic Futures
Williams, M. (2017). Psychedelic Medical Research in Australia: The long and winding road
Carter, O. (2017). Psilocybin in the Lab and Clinic
Bright, S. (2017). A Critical Analysis of Psychedelics and Psychology
Haridy, R. (2016). Psychedelics On Film: An illustrated journey
Job, S. (2016). The Light of the Toad of Light (5-MeO-DMT)
Reiss, A. (2016). The Pathologisation of Cannabis Use in the Mainstream Media
Labate, B., Gearin, A., Mudge, B., Razam, R., Honour, K., Spengler, A. & McDonald, S. (2016). The Rise of La Madre: Ayahuasca beyond the Amazon
Labate, B. (2016). Contemporary Landscapes of Kambo
Razam, R. (2016). Full Spectrum Conciousness
Noller, G. (2016). Ibogaine Treatment for Opioid Dependence in New Zealand
Wodak, A. (2016). The Current Status of Medicinal Cannabis in Australia
Carmichael, R. (2016). Entheogenesis Australis 2017 Outdoor Psychedelic Symposium Video
Tunein, C. (2015). America’s Drug Culture in the 60s and 70s
Gearin, A. (2015). Organic and the Inorganic in Ayahuasca Visions
Tramacchi, D. (2015). Religious Dimensions of Entheogen Use
Labate, B. (2015). Ayahuasca Shamanism in the Amazon and Beyond
Hall, G. (2015). A Review of What Happened Under a Regulated Market
Caldicott, D. (2015). Return to Terra Nullius Redux
McMillen, A. (2015). Can You Be Too Honest About Your Own Drug Use?
Patten, F. (2015). New Social Tonics, the Bastard Children of Prohibition
Wodak, A. Patten, F., Caldicott, D., Belackova, V., Hall, G., Wiedemann, T. & Wallis, N. (2015). What Does Regulation Look Like?
Patten, F., Chipp, G., Barnacle, H., Denham, G., Reiss, A. & Wallis, N. (2015). From Medical to Recreational: The road to regulation
Schreiber, D. (2014). The Nature of Addiction, Modern Initiation and Chasing the Bliss
McKenna, D., Hancock, G., Pesce, M., & Schultz, M. (2014). The Origins of Consciousness in the Technological Age
Tramacchi, D. (2014).The Uses of Delirium: Cross-cultural perspectives on Datura-like drugs
Șenol, N. (2014). Psychedelics in the Humanities
Barratt, M. (2014). Internet Filtering, Drug Websites and Harm Reduction in Australia
Darpan. (2014). The Emergence of New Paradigms from Ancient Shamanic Modalities
Caldicott, D. (2014). When the Search for Enlightenment Finds the Emergency Room
Wiedemann, T. (2014). Is it Legal?
Trout, K. (2014). Lophophora
van Keulen, E., Barratt, M., Bowden, P., Erowid, F., McDonald, S., & Tramacchi, D. (2014). Beyond Evidence Based Drug Policy
Doblin, R. (2014). Developing Psychedelics into Prescription Medicines
Stanley, B. (2014). Reflections on Life, LSD and DMT
Cutler, S. (2014). Psychedelics: Discretion vs promotion – the conundrum
Gelfer, J. (2014). Towards a Sacramental Understanding of Dextromethorphan
Jasen. (2014). Iboga/Ibogaine in the Use of Addiction
Doblin, R. (2014). Psychedelics, Social Change and Cultural Revolution
Tramacchi, D. (2014). Cross-Cultural Perspectives on the Uses of Stimulants as Entheogens
Carmichael, J. (2014). Entheogenesis Australis Outdoor Gathering
Rodd, R. (2014). Chemicals, Not Symbols: The chemical ecology of shamanism as a healthcare system
Razam, R. (2014). From Cosmic Consciousness to Convergence: Mapping the species activation
Jesse, R. (2014). Psilocybin Occasions Mystical Experiences Having Sustained Spiritual Significance
McKenna, D. (2014). The Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss: Reflections on the experiment at La Chorrera
Hancock, G. (2014). Shamanistic Consciousness: The exploration of the supernatural and its role in human evolution - Introduction
Hancock, G. (2014). Shamanistic Consciousness: The exploration of the supernatural and its role in human evolution - Part 1
Schultz, M. (2014). Cultural Metamorphoses: Re-coding mythology, transmedia to transbeing
Williams, M., Patten, F., Tzanetis, S. & Bright, S. (2014). Psychedelics As Medicine: Neurons to Nirvana screening and panel discussion
McKenna, D. (2014). Origins of the Human Imagination: Plant-human coevolution
Wodak, A. (2013). Drug Law Reform: The end of the beginning
Bright, S. (2013). Taking Entheogens to the Masses
McKenna, D. (2013). Neuroscience of Spirituality
Erowid, F. & Erowid E. (2013). From Microdots to Bath Salts
2023 Microdose Episode 22 Terence McKenna: Psychedelic psychopomp and meta trip sitter
2023 Microdose Episode 21 Psilocybin Mushrooms in Australia: From ID to therapy
2022 Garden States Three Day EGA Indoor Conference, Springvale
2022 Microdose Episode 20 Post Traumatic Growth and Psychedelics
2022 Microdose Episode 19 Front Line Harm Reduction: Pill tests and The Entheogen Combination Matrix
2022 Microdose Episode 18 Conservation of Funga
2022 Microdose Episode 17 Altered Policy: Harm reduction and therapeutic horizons
2022 Microdose Episode 16 Ketamine-assisted Psychotherapy and Fly Agaric
2022 Microdose Episode 15 Psilocybin Mushrooms: An ethnomycological sampler
2022 Microdose Episode 14 For the Love of Weed and Justice: Celebrating 30 years of MardiGrass
2022 Microdose Episode 13 The Evolution of Psychedelic Organisms
2022 Microdose Episode 12 Psychedelic Secrets: Acacia conservation
2022 Microdose Episode 11 Be More Tree: Psychedelic nature codes
2021 Microdose Episode 10 Safeguarding Genetic Diversity of Psilocybe
2021 Livestream Conference; Garden States: Ethnobotany, Conservation and Psychedelics
2021 Microdose Episode 9 Psychedelics, Addiction and Coke Tek
2021 Microdose Episode 8 John Safran takes on Big Tobacco
2021 Microdose Episode 7 Trip Sitting and Psychedelic Care
2021 Microdose Episode 6 Woodlover Paralysis and Consciousness
2021 Microdose Episode 5 Psychedelics: Philosophy and mindfulness
2021 Livestream; Ethnobotany, Conservation and Psychedelics Fundraiser Webcast
2021 Microdose Episode 4 - Fungi Foragers, a panel discussion with fungi experts
2021 Microdose Episode 3 Psychedelic Mysticism and the Medicalisation of Cannabis
2021 Microdose Episode 2 Cannabis and San Pedro Cultivation
2021 Microdose Episode 1 - Society, Psychiatry & Psychedelic
2020 Livestream Conference; Garden States
2019 Film screening; ‘Fantastic Fungi’, Melbourne
2019 Film screenings; ‘Journeys to the edge of Consciousness’ and ‘ICAROS’, Melbourne
2019 Garden States Indoor Conference, Springvale
2017 EGA Outdoor Conference, Eildon
2015 EGA Super Plant Meet, Melbourne
2015 Film screening; ‘Druglawed’, Melbourne
2014 Film screening; ‘Neurons to Nirvana’, Melbourne
2014 EGA Indoor Conference, Melbourne
2012 Origins of Consciousness (EGA co-produced with Lost Tribes), Melbourne, Sydney, Byron Bay
2011 EGA Outdoor Conference, Swanpool
2010 EGA Indoor Conference, Carlton
2009 EGA Outdoor Conference, Swanpool
2008 EGA Indoor Conference, Carlton
2007 EGA Outdoor Conference, Swanpool
2006 EGA Outdoor Conference, Otways
2005 EGA Outdoor Conference, Grampians
2004 EGA Indoor Conference, Belgrave
2003 Mini Ethnobotanica Victoria, Ringwood
2002 Mini Ethnobotanica Victoria, Northern NSW
2001 Mini Ethnobotanica Victoria, Northern NSW