Growing Psychedelic Plants Together: Kahpi and Entheogenesis Australis Combine

In the world of ethnobotany, You may have noticed a small but important change. In 2022, Kahpi merged with Entheogenesis Australis (EGA). While both Kahpi and EGA continue operating as distinct projects, we’ve now merged the Kahpi and EGA Facebook pages into one to keep everyone up to date with the world of magic plants.

Kahpi and EGA have always shared the goal to grow education and knowledge around psychoactive plants, but Kahpi has focused specifically on plants involved in the renowned Ayahuasca brew, while EGA has had a broader focus, with an emphasis on psychoactive plants in general. 

If you’re new to EGA but familiar with Kahpi, you should check out EGA if you’re interested in learning more about psychedelic plants beyond ayahuasca, or if you’d like to know more about psychoactive plants beyond psychedelics. EGA content takes shape as:

If you’re new to Kahpi but familiar with EGA, you should check out Kahpi if you’d like to learn more about ayahuasca, the various plants involved, as well as the culture and history surrounding this important ethnobotanical product. Kahpi content takes shape as:

Thanks for joining us on this magical plant journey and for keeping psychedelics grounded in the environment, community knowledge and citizen science.

Entheogenesis Australis

Entheogenesis Australis (EGA) is a charity using education to help grow the Australian ethnobotanical community and their gardens. We encourage knowledge-sharing on botanical research, conservation, medicinal plants, arts, and culture.


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