Vulnerable Acacia and entheogenic communication
Communacacian is a figure little known outside of Australia’s entheogenic community. He has a special connection with Australian wattle trees and has made huge contributions to the protection of Acacia species in Australia.
At an EGA Garden States conference in 2019, Communacacian recounted the origin of his namesake; amidst an Acacia experience, following the questioning of the purpose of entheogenic Acacia, the answer “communacacian” appeared, spelled out in giant, golden letters across the landscape.
“Our own inner nature comes into harmony when we bring life to plants and grow with them, from seed to tree to seed.”
As part of an EGA conference in 2017, Communacacian was generous enough to write an article for the EGA Journal. We’re proud to announce that we have just released this article, free and direct to the public, titled; ‘Acacia: Growing towards a mutual symbiosis.’
In this important, historical article, we are heeded to step up as custodians of our medicine trees in order to establish a more harmonious and sustainable relationship. We also gain insight into the horticultural journey around the vulnerable Australian Acacias, A. phlebphylla and A. courtii.
“Acacias are pioneering the interface of human and plant consciousness in Australia through the consumption and distribution of their alkaloids.”
If you’d like more detail around the Acacia conservation issue, check out Conseracacian, or watch the presentation from Dr Liam Engel below.