The San Pedro Appreciation Guide

Think all San Pedro look the same? Think again…

This book connects newcomers and veteran growers of the most sustainable mescaline cacti, San Pedro (Trichocereus species).

In a simple and beautiful guide, Dr Liam Engel explains the complex world of psychedelic, magical cacti columns with concise language and attractive photographs.

Full colour, English, 27 pages. Words and photographs by Dr Liam Engel. Design by Sandi Lucock. Edited by Steph Tzanetis.

Click here to download "The San Pedro Appreciation Guide"

Entheogenesis Australis

Entheogenesis Australis (EGA) is a charity using education to help grow the Australian ethnobotanical community and their gardens. We encourage knowledge-sharing on botanical research, conservation, medicinal plants, arts, and culture.


Coke bottle tek: A terrarium technique