Transcendent Technologies: Shamanism in the digital age
Photograph by Agência de Notícias do Acre.
We’ve just released Lynette Wallworth’s presentation from Garden States 2022 on our YouTube channel, EntheoTV.
Wallworth describes co-creating her ground-breaking virtual reality work Awavena with the Brazilian Amazonian Yawanawa tribe. Using new technologies, psychedelic messages are easier to communicate than ever before. Through VR a vision can be shared and a story told of a people who arose from near colonial extinction and who continue to fight to protect their grandmother trees.
Ayahuasca has the power to take you inside a vision to a place you have never been. By collaborating with Wallworth, Hushuhu, the first woman shaman of the Yawanawa was able to use VR-like medicine to open a portal to another way of knowing.