WATCH: Psilocybe Cubensis Journey From Fields to Pharmaceuticals
Image by Enjaytee
Cubes, Cubies, Gold Tops, Golden Tops, Golden Teachers, Goldies… or just good ol’ Magic Mushrooms. The dung-loving fungus known to scientists as Psilocybe cubensis has fascinated generations. Historically, people linked it to recreational use and underground cultivation, but now it holds potential medicinal value in Australia due to its psychoactive properties and ease of growth.
In this recent webcast, mycologist Caine Barlow delves into the mushroom's history, taxonomy, and evolving cultural significance. Barlow, a seasoned fungi educator from Melbourne, highlights Psilocybe cubensis's journey from a symbol of citizen science to a focal point of new mycological research. This journey spans from humble beginnings growing on cattle dung in India, spreading outward 4200 years ago to neighboring countries through the migratory dispersion of cattle, all the way to 1905 when Franklin Sumner Earle first identified this fantastic fungus as Stropharia cubensis from specimens found in Cuba.
In short, Barlow leaves no historical stone unturned in this engrossing talk charting the mind-altering fungi’s fantastic voyage.
Watch full video above or on EGA's Youtube channel.
If you're keen on more mushroom content be sure to fully explore the EGA website, a good start is this informative page for more information on the southern states visit Navigating Mushroom Season: Tips, Risks, and Resources.
To follow Caine more directly visit Caine Barlow's website and follow his Instagram @guerrillamycology.
Written by Walter Juan